VERY Negative Review –

Mmm.. Yeah. Wish some  reviews had come up when I originally researched this company 5 months ago. I host a lot of sites for customers and try to spread them out – so I have a LOT of experience with different providers. I have around 40 different server accounts from VPS setups to shared accounts. I know my hosting. BUT, needed a new one, so ran across this company. Reasonable pricing and seemed to ME I had heard good things about Cloud 9 Hosting. Unfortunately, there seem to be a number of “Cloud 9 Hosting” name derivatives out there – and I apparently got THIS one and NOT the one that people speak glowingly of. 5 MONTHS ago, I signed up for an account – 9/27/2016. As of today, I still cannot host anything there.

Cloud9Hosting - Just say NO - POOR COMPANY

Feel like wasting money on hosting? Then use THIS company.

RED FLAG #1:  Credit cards weren’t being accepted properly

Had major problems with their form as it wouldn’t take credit cards properly – opened a ticket. Had to tweak something or other or go in a different way as opposed to the natural flow to get it to even take a credit card. SHOULD HAVE BEEN ENOUGH OF A RED FLAG. But I’m determined.

SIDE NOTE: the “manager” was grateful for the heads up on not being able to accept credit cards properly and treated me to an EXTRA account for the heads up. In hindsight – I’m so sorry people. NOT telling them probably would have saved a number of you from giving these clowns your money. But I digress…

RED FLAG #2: No notification – “hey we received your order!” Nope.

Then, there was no response to the order – as opposed to 95% of all other providers that allow sign up and you’re uploading your site in the next 20 minutes. Oh no. Not them. Don’t think I even got a response until the next day. Think it took yet another day. SIDE NOTE: By this time, since I needed hosting when I signed up FOR them, I already HAD signed up with another company, uploaded my client site and was on my way… FINALLY got information from – which was incomplete – the template that they used to relay new client setup information (Here’s your IP, here’s your paths, etc – the NORMAL stuff) was incomplete – no nameserver information. Opened up a ticket. And crickets…

RED FLAGS #3 and #4 – No response to support tickets

Came back to it a couple days later – and a NEW problem. And try as I might, I was unable to create any addon domains – sort of defeated the purpose of HAVING an account. And another ticket. This time – since being reasonable and all wasn’t getting me anywhere – HIGH PRIORITY – And more crickets.

RED FLAG #5 – Data GIVEN did not work

Someone finally came back 5 days later on 10/2/2016 saying “Sorry, I solved that but didn’t close the ticket.” Really – 5 days later on a “High Priority” ticket? And did that actually SOLVE the problems so I could USE the account? NO, because the nameservers that they FINALLY gave me DO NOT RESOLVE PROPERLY as of about a month ago, which led to…

The Final Straw – why DID I waste even THIS much time???

Got disgusted one day and DID actually call them. Got a woman on the phone who EVENTUALLY DID get me to a “tech”. How did THAT go? Not too good. Told him the problem. A lot of silence over there. I have been a sys admin in a previous life so I understand you have to focus on the task at time and not chatter. HOWEVER, after a lot of what sounded like distracted silence, “I’ll have to take a look at this.” I’m just done with even following up. These people have done nothing but take my money and waste my time. And they will do the same to you.


As of THIS WRITING – 5 months later – I am STILL UNABLE TO USE THIS HOSTING. These people are beyond a joke. I have a feeling that this is some kid running this company out of his mama’s basement with a girlfriend occasionally answering the phone. As of this writing, my last ticket entry was on January 2, 2017 – almost 2 months ago – and still no response.  And after all of this I’m done even trying – though I might try to reverse charges as I did use my credit card obviously.

DO NOT USE – You have been warned.


Shared the following – exactly as it appears below – as the “Reason for cancelling” with them when I officially cancelled both services moments ago… And wanted to ENSURE that there was no follow up billing – at which point I would likely lose my everlovin’ mind.

Closing Paid Account #1

I have had this account now for 5 months and it’s still unusable. Between half-*ssed signups that don’t work properly, non-existent customer service – I’m just done even TRYING to make this thing work. A complete waste of my time and money. Not even sure how I paid for this, but if it’s a credit card? I’m going to be seeing if I can kill this payment and request refund. This is TRULY the most pathetic service I have ever experienced.

Closing Account #2 – the BONUS account “given” to me by a manager for a year as a freebie

I have had this account now for 5 months and it’s still unusable. Between half-*ssed signups that don’t work properly, non-existent customer service – I’m just done even TRYING to make this thing work. This account was a *bonus* when the original signup problems were pointed out by me. Might as well have given me a check for a million dollars from your company – looks really pretty and sounds really nice, but if you can’t cash it – OR USE IT, it’s doesn’t make a darned bit of difference now, does it? This is TRULY the most pathetic service I have ever experienced. Other companies at least ACT like they’re trying. THis company? Doesn’t even try to give the IMPRESSION that they give a fat rat’s *ss.

And more followup – think this is probably it…

And yet more proof that this is a complete half-*ssed operation. Did a screen cap of the response to my cancellation request. Notice that neigther the guy living in his mom’s basement, nor his girlfriend, took the 15-20 seconds required to even customize the response “Signature goes here…” OMFG. Which likely is why the data for nameservers et al was NOT included in the signup / hosting information email. Either they couldn’t be bothered to provide that information – just send us money – or they are that inept. Either way, it’s a loss for anyone that chooses to sign up with them. Just SMH.

Author: Eric Erickson

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