Nifty nifty font utility
I have toyed with the whole trying to create a font thing and have attempted it a few times. However, with most font creation software, it is a painstaking and time-consuming process. I usually get through a few letters and have to really look at the time to value return on it. NO MORE!
THIS is the bomb – particularly if you have some truly individualized handwriting. I prefer all small caps and this did it in short fashion. All you do is download a pdf template, fill in YOUR handwriting, scan it, upload it and download your font in minutes. The whole process took a whole 5 minutes MAYBE to get a personalized font. It is occasionally difficult to get all your heights right, so I had to do it a couple of times. Took me a total of 15 minutes for both runs and examining the fonts. NOT TOO SHABBY!
And as of THIS WRITING (9/21/2009), the service is FREE! A TrueType font in your handwriting for free in 15 minutes or less – now THAT is time to value return!