New Website –

Logan Cole -

It’s so satisfying in seeing one of our own little birds leave the nest and fly(so to speak). Our summer paid intern, Logan Cole, wanted to take his iPhone repair and Droid repair prowess on the prowl back to Greenville NC with him when he went back to ECU.

Lizardwebs helped Logan with the site a bit and is hosting the new site for him. If you’re in Greenville NC and need a screen replaced, visit Logan can do iPhone repairs, droid repairs, iPad repairs and the like. If an LCD screen breaks – Logan is the man in Greenville NC for screen repairs!

Spoke to him a couple of days ago after registering and launching the site on Monday and he’d already gotten two calls. Now THAT’S results. If you’re looking for some good advice on how to get your company found, you need to talk to Lizardwebs in Clayton NC. Lizardwebs specializes in getting local companies found!

Good luck hoss!

Author: Eric Erickson

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